Interview QA

Top 10 Software Testing Company in Philadelphia USA

Conclusion Philadelphia boasts a vibrant software testing landscape, with companies like Software Testing Leaders leading the charge in delivering high-quality assurance services. These top ten firms exemplify the diversity and expertise available in the region, catering to a wide range of industries and client needs. Whether you need functional testing, performance testing, or test automation, […]

Interview QA

Agile – challenges and Solution

In this blog, we will discuss the various challenges and solutions to adapt Agile in the organisation.  Agile can proliferate throughout the entire software development and delivery lifecycle. The management structure is designed to deeply ingrain Agile principles. To achieve this extension and depth, teams must embark on an ongoing journey toward Agile implementation and […]

Interview QA

Database Testing Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

Below are the some of the important database testing interview question for freshers 1. Explain the steps involved in Database Testing. Testing triggers and functions, as well as data integrity and validation. 2. What is Database Testing. Database testing is a process of software testing that involves data validity and data integrity testing along with […]

Blog Interview QA

Full Stack Trends in 2024

Full stack development encompasses the creation of web applications or software systems that incorporate both front-end and back-ended components. Full-stack developers are skilled in navigating all stages of software development life cycle and can handle various application building concepts, including database, server logic (e.g. min, data structures), and user interface programming. A full stack developer […]

Blog Interview QA

Manual vs. Automation Testing: Which Is Better for your Project?

Who runs the test case is the primary distinction between automated and manual testing. Manual testing is carried out by a human tester. The tool does it in automated testing. Manual Testing: What Is It? The process of manual testing involves QA analysts running tests individually and one at a time. Before a software application […]

Blog Interview QA

Ultimate Guide to automated software testing Tools

A test automation tool is a tool that supports teams and companies in automating software testing requirements. By doing so, it becomes less necessary for human intervention and increases speed, dependability, and efficiency. However, there’s more to it than that.We will begin by reversing the traditional “what-why” structure and elucidating the significance of test automation. […]

Blog Interview QA

Best Practices for Test Case Prioritization in QA Testing

In the extremely competitive software development sector, establishing and preserving a solid customer reputation depends on producing software that is both high-quality and functional. Quality assurance (QA) teams, however, typically have a limited amount of time and resources to devote to their testing activities. Because of this, test case prioritisation can swiftly establish itself as […]

Blog Interview QA

Ultimate Guide to Compliance Testing: Steps, Tools, and Best Practices

Compliance testing is a type of testing used to make sure a product or system complies with legal or regulatory standards.Although compliance can take many forms, it is always aimed at safeguarding stakeholders, businesses, and users. Compliance Types 508 Compliance The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was amended by US legislation known as Section 508. Testing […]